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Gravis Ultra Sound

The Gravis Ultra Sound series need two environment variables.

SET ULTRASND=220,5,7,7,11

ULTRADIR points to the directory where the GUS tools are located. The ULTRASND variable consists of 5 numbers containing the following information.

  1. Base port of GUS. Common values are 220, 240, 260.
  2. 1st 16bit DMA channel. Common values are 5, 6, 7.
  3. 2nd 16bit DMA channel. Common values are 5, 6, 7.
  4. 1st IRQ. Common values are 5, 7, 11.
  5. 2nd IRQ. Common values are 5, 7, 11.

GUS initialization is completed by calling ultrinit.exe.

documentation by doj / cubic