To compile OCP you need the following software:
set watcom=c:\watcom set path=%watcom%\binnt;%watcom%\binw;c:\tasm;%path% set include=%watcom%\h;%watcom%\h\nt set lib=
If you want to use your Watcom compilers under plain DOS you have to exchange the binw and binnt directories.
Currently the OpenWatcom distributions (including version 1.2) can not compile OPENCP. You have to use the version 11c mentioned above. The build process however needs the program wstub.exe which is not included in the 11c archive. If you own the retail version of the Watcom compiler, you can either use your old program file or you can get the file from the OpenWatcom distribution. Please get OpenWatcom 1.2, install it somewhere and copy wstub.exe into the binw directory of your Watcom 11c tree.
Look into the file makefile.cfg and adjust paths to nasm, tasm and watcom if necessary. Now you should be able to build everything with a simple "wmake". "wmake install" will copy all the files built into a bin directory located in the source tree.
The wmake utility accepts some parameters. Only one of the following may be supplied at a time.