_________ ___. .__ __________.__ \_ ___ \ __ _\_ |__ |__| ____ \______ \ | _____ ___.__. ___________ / \ \/| | \ __ \| |/ ___\ | ___/ | \__ \< | |/ __ \_ __ \ \ \___| | / \_\ \ \ \___ | | | |__/ __ \\___ \ ___/| | \/ \______ /____/|___ /__|\___ > |____| |____(____ / ____|\___ >__| \/ \/ \/ \/\/ \/ Itīs going on ! ________________ ________ \_ _____/ _ \ \_____ \ | __)/ /_\ \ / / \ \ | \/ | \/ \_/. \ \___ /\____|__ /\_____\ \_/ \/ \/ \__> V1.94 by Master of the MatriX =============================================================================== Q: What is the Cubic Player ? A: Cubic Player (CP) is a music player which plays a variety of sound formats on several sound cards. Q: ... Cubic Team ... ? A: Niklas continues developing the Cubic Player ! But the Player is not any more related to the Cubic Team ! I try to make the doc, FAQ & a bit email support,don't blame him !!!! Q: I know a new Tracker-Format, can you include it ? A: Yes of coz, but why don't you write the 100% compatible player-module for the Cubic Player ? There is a SDK so you can write your own plugins for the Cubic Player ! Q: What sound cards are supported ? A: Gravis UltraSound / MAX / DaughterBoard / PnP SoundBlaster 1.x / 2.x / Pro / 16 / SB 32 / PnP WSS compatible cards Pro Audio Spectrum series Disk Writer, writes .WAV output on disk. Quiet Player =) Q: Can not find OS4GW.EXE ? A: Only in the Wired 96 PRE-Release :) Call DOS4GW CP.EXE ! This should work fine, don't mail us and we have the time, to fix it! Q: What music formats are supported ? A: MOD/NST/WOW, XM, S3M, DMF, MTM, ULT, 669, OKT, PTM, AMS, MDL, IT, MP2, MP3 and MIDI. Q: Which is the last version of Cubic Player? A: The last Cubic Player version is the 2.0a++ enhanced. This alpha release is only for professional Users ! Q: Where can I get the latest Cubic-Player / Patches ? Where can I find the offical Cubic Player homepage? A: FASTEST and FiRST Sites: Internet http://www.thepentagon.com/cubic (HOME PAGE) http://www.fh-zwickau.de/~maz/ (GUS-Patches) http://www.bg.univ.gda.pl/~wanted/en/cp.html ftp://gawain.faw.uni-ulm.de/pub2/demoserv/music/utils/players/ ftp://ftp.luth.se/pub/msdos/demos/music/programs/players/ ftp://ftp.hornet.org/pub/demos/music/programms/players/ FiDO Request Digital Nightmare 2:2437/301 .. Magic "CP" Cubic Team WHQ Digital Nightmare +49-5121-157107 33.6k USR V34+ +49-5121-39236 33.6k USR V34+/X2 +49-5121-157635 33.6k USR V34+/X2/64.0k/12k iSDN +46-5121-157108 ZyXEL 19.2 +49-5121-157636 64.0k/128k iSDN +49-5121-157107 64.0k/128k iSDN +49-5121-157109 64.0k/128k iSDN Q: Is there a Newsgroup for the Cubic Player ? A: Yes in the German part of the Fidonet demo.cubic.ger, in the Internet: fido.ger.demo.cubic. And a Mailinglist is now under development ! Q: Are you going to release new versions ? A: Yes ! Q: Does the Cubic Player run with Windows 3.11 ? A: NOT PERFECT ! If you try it, your system might crash ! Q: Does the Cubic Player run with Windows 95 ? A: Yes, the Player should work fine, but you need more RAM & CPU power ! If your system doesn't have a P100 & 16 MB RAM, try it under DOS. Q: Does the Cubic Player run with Windows NT (4.0) ? A: No, the architecture of NT (HAL) make the direct access to the Hardware impossible. Q: Can you give me the source or a part of the source from the Cubic Player ? A: NO, we don't give any part of our source away. But you can get the Tiny XM Player a free GUS-XM Player inc. Source from the Cubic Team. Q: I have a problem finding a small routine that will play mod files. I wanted to know if you can help finding a routine, lib or something like this. A: Try our Tiny XM Player, a free XM Player inc. source. Q: How can I play MIDI files with my SB ? A: You need the GUS MIDI-Patch files, this Musicpatch Files are shipped with all Advanced Gravis Ultrasound Card's. Try to get them from a friend with a Ultrasound Card. Then you must add the path of your .PAT Files in your CP.INI, MPU-401 support is planed in a further Version. [general] guspatchpath=c:\ultrasnd\midi ;// the gus patches AND the DEFAULT.CFG are located here. Q: Can I configure midi drivers for the CP 2.0ā if I have a Sound Blaster 16/MPU-401 with a daughter board Roland Sound Canvas SCB-55 ? A: Wait for the 2.0 FINAL or get MiDPLAY from SoundWorX a colorful MPU-401/SB MiDI-Player. Q: I am having trouble getting the disk writing option (-cc40) to work with CP 2.0ā A: The config-system has been changed to 1.666. Now you can select the disk-writer in the fileselector. Select the device @: => DEVICES => DEVPDSK.DEV (Disk Writer) For better quality try QMIX.DEV ! Q: First off, when I play certain WAV files, CP will cause DOS4GW to crash, citing a DIVIDE BY ZERO error. most of these crashes occur when a WAV is sampled at a little over 11000Hz... A: You must get an updated driver for your soundcard. Q: What about .IT support ? A: The .IT Support is still under construction, a ALPHA loader for the .IT Format is in the 2.0 is included. But we are waiting for a .IT Player made with our SDK by the author from the Impulse Tracker ! In fact .IT is different from the most .MOD formats, so 32 channels max. 16 samples / instrument, no NNAs, no sustain loops, some missing effects. BUT THIS IS NOT THE 2.0 RELEASE VERSION, don't cry or complain via MAIL !! Q: Do you plan to support MPEG-2/3 ? A: A first Version is avail in the CP2.0Alpha ++. Q: Why don't you implement Nibbles, or similar game, in Cubic? Like FT2-nibbles? Or just plain Snake... A: Cubic Player is a MOD-Player, if you want to play a game get a EPIC or Apogee SW game :) Q: I have a AWE32 and a GUS in my computer. Will both cards be supported simultaneously in the nearby future? A: Right now, only 2 GUSs' are supported simultaneously. Q: The documentation says "Most of this is obsolete since 1.666" Do you think you could perhaps update it ? A: Soon ! In the NEXT WEEK i hope we'll have a NEW documentaion. Q: What does "wurfel mode" actually do? A: "Wuerfel" is german word for cubic. The mode play a animation, when avail, designed for special party-versions, CD-ROM rel. ... Q: Some features like the "wuerfel mode" are in the 2.-1 missing, are they removed ? A: This features and much more are comming back ! Only in the 2.-1 Version are they temp. removed. Q: Is it possible that you port Cubic Player to other software platforms like OS/2 and some free Unices (Linux and FreeBSD) ? A: WiN32 perhaps, but right now no support for other platforms is planed. Q: When I play a XM I've made in Cubic (1.7) it sounds wonderful but when I use the -cdiskwriter to make MP3's the waves doesn't have the same quality. Though I set them to be 44/16/stereo some high tones and some bass almost dissapear. Why? A: The Cubic Player can ony write MPEG Audio Layer 2 not layer 3, write a wave and encode it with the L3ENC (Commerzial Software). Itīll take a lot of time :) --------------------------------------------------------------------------v1.94-
last update 08.10.1997 by Cubic - Cubic Internet Staff