The pattern is shown in different columns. At the leftmost the row number is shown in hex. If the screen mode and pattern view allows the row number is shown again at the right side of the screen. Then follow some fields for global commands the module might contain. The biggest section of the screen use the channel columns, each one displaying on single channel indicated by the number on top of the column. Inside such a channel column various information can be displayed depending on the amount of space available. You can see the format of a channel column in the status line of the pattern view. The format of the column can be changed by pressing <tab>. As there are many combinations of screen mode, channels and formats I will not go into detail here.
The number of channel rows displayed at once can be changed by pressing
<Pgup>, <Pgdown>. Normally the pattern view will follow the music
as it progresses. With <space> the pattern view will stop. The current
play position is now displayed with a white
char. You can now browse
through the module with <Pgup>,<Pgdown>. <space> will enable
the follow mode again, bringing the pattern view to the current play position.
The pattern view displays the different effects used in modules with different colors. Green is used for effects affecting the pitch of the sample, while blue command change the volume. Effects drawn in purple change the pan position. Red colors indicate the manipulition of the timeslice effected with this samples. Other effects are drawn white. Please have a look inside the online help <h>,<?> or <F1> for a complete reference on the effects shown.