> doj > BP2003 Jam

Breakpoint 2003 Live Jam

We had much fun at our Live Jam on Friday Evening. We played about 30 minutes and 3 songs. The band consisted of:

Funky A7

Our first song, purely instrumental. This song has the standard blues progression over 12 beats. [PNG] [PS] [MID]

Folge auf Am7

A jazzy progression with medium tempo. We had some nice vocal improvisation from kb. [PNG] [PS] [MID]

Deadline Blues

A standard blues in Em. Sung by bobobear who handed the keys over to kb. [PNG 1] [PNG 2] [PNG 3] [PNG 4] [PS 1] [PS 2] [PS 3] [PS 4] [MID]


You can get the complete Live Jam mp3 (~49MB).


If you have some photos are video material of the session please contact doj to share your media. One photograph is available on slengpung.

Pictures from 2002

I have 3 pictures from our first Live Jam at MS2002. If you have more, or some video footage, please contact doj.
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 The audio recording of this jam session is lost.