Although you can write .wav files in every possible sample
format you should not alter the default of 44100KHz, 16bit,
stereo. You should disable module looping so each module is written
once onto harddisk. You can disable looping in the cp.ini
with the directive loop=on in the [fileselector]
section. You can also change looping temporarily with the
fileselector configuration while OPENCP is running. See the
fileselector advance usage page for details.
To enable the diskwriter device you can change the cp.ini file
and select the devpDisk as default device by moving it to the
start of the playerdevices directive in the [sound]
section. You can also select the devpDisk device temporarily
by selecting the @:\DEVICES\DEVPDISK.DEV
Now simply start OPENCPand select a module to play. You will hear no output and notice that the module is played with maximum speed4.13. In the directory where you have started OPENCP(not necessaryly the directory where the module is located) subsequent .wav files named CPOUT000.WAV, CPOUT001.WAV will be created.
To save modules as MP3 files the same steps apply, but you have to select
the devpMPx device in the cp.ini file or use the
special device. Bitrate and CBR/VBR mode
can be altered in the [devpMPx] section.