The currently selected channel is displayed in light grey. To select another
channel use <
>. You can also use
> which will loop through the channels if
the left or right end is reached.
Pressing <q> will quiet the selected channel. This key is valid in every part of the player. To enable the channel press <q> a second time. The reverse logic can be accomplished with <s>. This disables all other channels than the selected, so only one channel plays solo. Another hit on <s> will unsolo the channel again, so playing all channels. You can use any combination of the above keys. An example: Select channel 1 and press <s>. Now you will hear only channel 1. No go with the cursor keys to channel 3 and press <q>. As the channel is currently turned of (quiet) is it now played again. so you hear channels 1 and 3. Now switch to channel 2 and press <s>. Now only channel 2 will be played, whiche channel 1 and 3 are turned off again. By pressing <s> again all channels are enabled.
You can directly solo the first 10 channels by pressing keys <1><0>.
This will act as if you had changed to the appropriate channel and pressed
<s>. Channels 11-20 are accessed through <ALT>+<1>
To pause the file press <p>.
The current file can be restarted by pressing <CTRL>+<Home>. To
move a bit forward use <CTRL>+<
>. If a module is played this
will skip the current order and start playing the next order. In other file
types this command skips a certain amount of time, depending on the estimated
playing time. <CTRL>+<
> will rewind the music. This is
not possible for all file type (midi or sid files). When playing modules the
current order is skipped and the previous order is playing from the beginning.
To skip a smaller amount of the file use <CTRL>+<
> and
>. This will skip 8 rows when playing modules.
If the files support jump or loop command using these functions can lead you
to patterns not included in the original play order! Be aware that using these
funtions can lead to somewhat crashed files.5.5
The next file in the playlist can be loaded with <Enter>. If no more files are left in the playlist the fileselector will be started so you can choose the next files. However the current module will continue playing. By pressing <Esc> you can switch back to the player again. The fileselector can also be invoked with <f>. The current playlist is shown and can be edited. When exiting the fileselector with <Esc> you can load the next module in the playlist with <Enter>. Leaving the fileselector with <Enter> will load the currently selected module and switching back to the player.
By default a module is looped after its end was reached. You can change this behaviour by configuring the file selector5.6 or with <CTRL>+<l>. When looping is disabled the next module in the playlist will be loaded once a module has ended. If no modules are left in the playlist the fileselector is started.
A DOS-Shell will be started when typing <d>. Note that OPENCP uses about 200KB so not all programs might start or execure properly. However it should be enough to make simple tasks like copying, deleting etc. When running under Windows95 the free amount of memory should be the usual size.
The screen mode can be changed by pressing <z>. This will toggle between 25 and 50 rows textmode, while <CTRL>+<z> toggle between 30 and 60 row textmode. <ALT>+<z> will toggle between 80 and 132 column mode.5.7
The current configuration can be ''saved'' with <ALT>+<F2>. It is
not stored permanently on hard disk, but only valid until OPENCP is quit. Normally
the default configuration is loaded every time a new file is loaded. This
function makes the current configuration the new default configuration. A
previously saved configuration can be loaded with <ALT>+<F3>. The
real default values are loaded with <ALT>+<F4>. To modify
the default values permanently you have to change the cp.ini file
as explained on page .
If the diskwriter device has been prepared you can manually start the harddisk sampling by pressing <ALT>+<s>. See chapter 5 for details on configuring OPENCP.
An online help is shown by <h>,<?> or <F1>. Use <Pgup> and <Pgdown> to scroll through this screen.
Users of SoundBlasterAWE, Terratex EWS and Gravis Ultrasound PnP can use <CTRL>+<F5> and <CTRL>+<F6> to adjust the onboard reverb effect. The SBAWE can also add a chorus effect which is controlled via <CTRL>+<F7> and <CTRL>+<F8>.