Then some day a guy from school which a never really paid attention to before asked me if I wanted some cool programs for pc ? He had heard from my friends that I was now a pc-user. As he was the only one owning a pc in school till then he was very glad to have someone to share his experiences.
Perhaps you guessed who it was, it was pascal and he gave me Wing
Commander I and Turbo Pascal 6. So I had a fancy game and a powerful
language to explore. Very soon pascal and me became close friends and
he showed my his coding pieces and we spent many afternoons and night
sitting together hacking at his or mine machine. We competed in
gaining the highest score in Wing Commander and other games, like
Commander Keen or KiloBlaster.
At the end of December we saw our first demo on pc. It was the
legendary Chronologia from Cascada. This Production fascinated us so
much that we searched all local BBSes for other demos, but there
weren't many back in the old days. But the pc demo scene grew and grew
and in 1992 there were some talented groups making demos.
But we never thought of developing our own demos, I guess because we didn't
knew what was needed to do this. But the people who were able to develop
those cool things fascinated us and we kept us up to date with the demo
Find out what happended in 1992. If you're too bored visit il ristorante. You can also go back.